Formar parte de una gran corporación
En el año del 2019, Proyectos Urbanos y sus socios realizan una gran apuesta para incluir dentro de la corporación a Mercadi para entregar proyectos integrados llave en mano con la mejor calidad y servicio, sobre todo dándole en apoyo económico financiero para poder ejecutar grandes proyectos para clientes extraordinarios
Trabajamos para hacer un re-branding de la marca, con el respaldo necesario para atender a nuestros clientes de la mejor manera y con la mejor calidad y el mejor staff profesional de Guatemala.
Tips para reducir el gasto que hace tu marca en publicidad digital
- El gasto en publicidad digital a nivel mundial llegará a 389.29 mil millones de dólares este 2021.
- ¿Tu empresa ya ha atendido alguna de estas 4 recomendaciones para sus campañas?
Para este año, datos de eMarketer estiman que el gasto en publicidad digital a nivel mundial llegará a 389.29 mil millones de dólares, pero, ¿sabes cuánto de esa cantidad realmente se aprovechará? Actualmente, pese a que este ya no es un tema precisamente nuevo, son muchas las marcas y empresas que desperdician sus recursos por no desarrollar bien sus campañas. ¿Crees que la tuya es una de ellas? Entonces debes conocer algunas recomendaciones a seguir para reducir ese gasto.
De acuerdo con diversas plataformas especializadas en el tema, estos son algunos de los principales esfuerzos que se pueden desarrollar con el fin de reducir el gasto que se realiza en la publicidad digital:
- Orientar a las audiencias específicas
Según lo comparte la firma Lotame, una primera acción para comenzar a dejar de desperdiciar recursos en publicidad digital consiste en apuntar con las campañas a las audiencias específicas. Apuntar a una audiencia muy amplia puede resultar en un desperdicio importante pues se paga más por llegar a más personas y solo un pequeño porcentaje es el que va a convertir.
En cambio, cuando se hace más específica la audiencia solo las personas que realmente están interesadas en la marca, sus productos o la solución que brinda serán las que verán las campañas y por ello se gastará menos al tiempo que las posibilidades de conversión serán más amplias.
En forma general la idea es apostar por a calidad antes que por la cantidad.
Por otro lado, para conseguir ese nivel de precisión se puede apalancar la data ya sean datos de origen o de la propia marca y datos de terceros.
- Evaluar las ubicaciones y regiones
De acuerdo con CleverISM, cabe la posibilidad de que se esté invirtiendo para llegar a espacios en el terreno digital donde la marca ni siquiera tiene consumidores y por ello se está desperdiciando el presupuesto para las iniciativas de publicidad digital, por ejemplo, una marca que vende ropa para invierno y se anuncia en regiones donde no llega la nieve o el frío como tal puede que solo esté perdiendo su tiempo más allá de que pueda llamar el interés de alguna persona que pronto viajará a una zona donde haya nieve.
Idealmente todo negocio sabe desde un inicio quién es su público objetivo y dónde se encuentra, así que debe emplear esa información para orientar mejor sus campañas.
Es recomendable ser tan específicos como resulte posible, por ejemplo, no solo considerando a nivel demográfico el país done se encuentran, sino también la provincia o incluso la ciudad donde están.
- Anunciarse en los canales correctos a través de múltiples dispositivos en el momento correcto
Hablando de las ubicaciones, pero en este caso de las campañas, como tercera recomendación para reducir el gasto de la publicidad digital, destaca que importante considerar donde está la gente a la que se quiere llegar dentro de las plataformas. Esto puede ayudar a incrementar lo específicas que pueden ser las campañas y el targeting.
Así, hay que considerar las ubicaciones correctas más allá de las ciudades, por ejemplo, estableciendo los espacios dentro de una plataforma o los lugares específicos donde se verá el anuncio. De nada servirá llegar, por ejemplo, a los equipos de escritorio si la mayoría de los compradores usan sus teléfonos para navegar. Así mismo, de nada servirá hacerse presente con los anuncios en un horario en que las personas no están pendientes de sus equipos pues no verán los mensajes de la marca.
- Evaluar el timing o los horarios
Finalmente, en relación al punto anterior también se pueden considerar cuánto tiempo y qué tan seguido aparecerán los anuncios, puede ser que estén presentes las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año, etc. Cualquiera que sea el caso, debes saber que si se les deja correr a los anuncios sin tener bien definidos los tiempos puede ser costoso para los equipos de marketing.
Debes saber que hay períodos conocidos como tiempos de inactividad, en los que los anuncios no generan clics y publicar anuncios durante esos momentos puede ser una pérdida de recursos.
La recomendación entonces en este caso es publicar o ejecutar las campañas en momentos en que el público objetivo esté en línea.
Social Media Optimization
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Pics in Search Engine Optimization
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
SEO Intrinsic Value
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Using The File Analyser
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
From site work to custom brick and stone masonry, Gardeny can install your project with its own talented artisans and quality landscaping equipment. Using our extensive knowledge of soils, plants, landscape materials, and construction techniques, we are well qualified for any size project. We employ all our resources to achieve the best possible results, no matter the scale.
Our distinctive water features will introduce sound and motion into your landscape experience.The element of water will release your stress and introduce you to the essence of nature herself. No two water gardens are alike, yet most are similar. Constructed of quality components and natural materials, our water features compliment any setting.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Gardeny plants and trees are grown at our own NC Certified Nursery in Durham. Our NC Certified Plant Professional and staff horticulturist have collaborated to create one of the best nursery resources in the Triangle. We offer Landscape Investment Plants and Trees that will return dividends in growth, beauty, and value throughout the life of your landscape.
Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praeggsent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl.
Phasellus iaculis tellus id odio suscipit, at cursus leo mattis. Praesent elementum scelerisque lacus, eu porta ex eleifend aliquet. Mauris odio erat, efficitur non dolor at, tincidunt vestibulum lectus.
Inara Wolf, Ramos inc.
Ut augue enim, tempus sit amet quam vel, cursus elementum nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Etiam ac metus ac enim egestas euismod quis sed dolor. Aliquam eget tellus enim. Praesent eu tristique leo, ut ornare purus. Pellentesque augue libero, dignissim vel odio sed, fringilla pretium nisl. Nulla libero massa, rhoncus in sem semper, suscipit gravida ante. Mauris erat massa, imperdiet quis turpis nec, faucibus aliquam metus. Donec ut egestas orci.
Tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor. Varius quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam.